Kontaktiere uns

Patentierte Lasertechnologie

IoT, KI, ANN, Industrie 4.0

ISO- und CE-zertifiziert

Branchenführende Lösungen

2011 - Prime Minister Narendra Modi - Operating SLTL Machine

2011 - Prime Minister Narendra Modi - Operating SLTL Machine

The Best MSME Innovation in Technology

On 12th January 2013, the SLTL Group has been awarded for outstanding performance – “INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY” for new product development in the category of Medium Enterprise for the year 2011

The Best MSME Innovation in Technology

The National Awards 2004

Technology Development Board (Dept. of Sci. and Tech- Government of India) awarded National Award - 2004 for successful commercialization of laser system developed through in-house R & D – presented by H.E. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, then President of India.

The National Awards 2004

National Awards

The National Awards R & D Efforts in Industry 2011

The National Awards R & D Efforts in Industry 2011

NATIONAL AWARD presented to Shri Dr Arvind Patel, M.D., M/s Sahajanand Laser Technology Limited, Gandhinagar by Hon'ble Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on May 11, 2011 (celebrated as Technology Day by the ministry) for R & D EFFORTS IN INDUSTRY.

The National Award NRDC 2005

The National Award NRDC 2005

National Research and Development Council (NRDC) National Awards-2005 for laser invention presented by Finance Minister Mr P. Chidambaram.

The National Awards 2004

The National Awards 2004

Technology Development Board (Dept. of Sci. and Tech. - Government of India) National Award-2004 for successful commercialization of laser system developed through in-house R & D – presented by H.E. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India.

The National Award 2003

The National Award 2003

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has awarded the company with National Award-2003 for outstanding in-house R & D in the industry.

The National Award for Excellence in Electronics 2002

The National Award for Excellence in Electronics 2002

National Award for Excellence in Electronics 2002-2003 by Ministry of Information Technology.

Certificates Acknowledging the Revolutionary Work


The Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Awards 1997-98

Considering the contribution in Indian Laser Industry, Government of Gujarat has honored us in 1997-98 by prestigious award ‘Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Award for Young Scientists in the field of industry’.

The Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Awards 1997-98

The National Award Execellence in Electronics 2002

National Award for Excellence in Electronics 2002-2003 by Ministry of Information Technology

The National Award Execellence in Electronics 2002

The National Award 2003

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) have awarded the company by National Award-2003 for outstanding in-house R & D in the industry.

The National Award 2003

The National Award NRDC 2005

National Research and Development Council (NRDC) National Awards-2005 for laser invention-presented by Finance Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram.

The National Award NRDC 2005

The Enterpreneur of the year 2005

In 2005, Government of Gujarat and CII bestowed upon Mr. Arvind Patel, MD, with “Best Entrepreneur of the year” Award.

The Enterpreneur of the year 2005

The National Award for R & D Efforts in Industry 2011

On 11th May 2011(Celebrated as Technology Day by the ministry), company has been awarded for R & D EFFORTs IN INDUSTRY (2008) by Hon’ble Former President Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

The National Award for R & D Efforts in Industry 2011


On 13th January 2011, The company has been awarded for outstanding performance in INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY for new product development in the category of Medium Enterprise for the year 2009.



The company has been awarded for product innovation during Imtex 2007.


The World Quality Commitments Award 2006

World Quality Commitment International Star Award"-2006, PARIS.

The World Quality Commitments Award 2006

The Gujarat SME Excellence Award 2013

Dr. Arvind Patel, MD of Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd (SLTL) honoured by Gujarat SME Excellence Award at GUJARAT SME MANUFACTURING SUMMIT, Ahmedabad on 12th April, 2013 For "Technology Excellence" in Manufacturing sector.

The Gujarat SME Excellence Award 2013

The Best MSME Award 2013

Best MSME Award for Outstanding Performance in "INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY" for the year 2011 presented to Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd., Gandhinagar by Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri NarendraModi on 12-01-2013 during the Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

The Best MSME Award 2013

Leaders of Tomorrow Award 2013

Won the “Leader of Tomorrow Award” for the year 2013 in Engineering Product in West Region on dated 4th December in Holiday Inn Hotel Mumbai.

Leaders of Tomorrow Award 2013

GJTCI Excellence Award 2014

Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd received GJTCI Excellence Award 2014 for Laser Technology [rendering yeoman services and setting new benchmarks in the jewellery industry] on 4th January, 2014 at Ahmedabad.

GJTCI Excellence Award 2014

The Best MSME Award 2014

Won the “BEST MSME AWARD ” for the year 2012-13 for the outstanding performance in “Innovation in Technology for New Product/ Process Development” in Best MSME planning on dated 19th July 2014 in AMA, Ahmedabad. Dr. Arvind Patel has received the award on the hand of Shri Saurabh Patel, Hon minister for Finance, Energy & Petrochemicals, Mines & Minerals and Cottage Industries, Govt of Gujarat.

The Best MSME Award 2014

IMTMA- Premier Outstanding Entrepreneur Award 2015

IMTMA- Premier Outstanding Entrepreneur Award in memory of Mr. Vinod L. Doshi for 2015 for outstanding entrepreneurship in machine tools on 22nd January 2015 at Bangalore during IMTEX 2015.

IMTMA- Premier Outstanding Entrepreneur Award 2015

GESIA – Best Electronics Industry Award 2016

GESIA- Best Electronics Industry Award for 2016 for outstanding contribution to Electronics Industry Gujarat on 29th September 2016.

GESIA – Best Electronics Industry Award 2016

Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017

Manufacturing Excellence Award for best in Class manufacturing practices and delivering world class quality products on 2017 during Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017

GJTCI Excellence Award 2018

GJTCI- GJTCI Excellence award as a recognition of outstanding performance in Indian Gem and Jewellery Industry on 6th January 2018 at Ahmedabad.

GJTCI Excellence Award 2018

GESIA Best Electronic Industry 2018

GESIA- Best Electronics Industry Award for 2017 for outstanding contribution to Electronics Industry Gujarat on 12th October 2018.

GESIA Best Electronic Industry 2018

Gezia Best Social Activity Achievement Award 2019

SLTL Group is awarded by Gezia with Best Social Activity through Community Activity Like 2018-2019 for its efforts to empower local communities.

Gezia Best Social Activity Achievement Award 2019

Best Brand in the Metal Forming Industry 2019

SLTL Group receives the Best Brand Award by Economic Times. The award was received by Dr. Arvind Patel, Chairman and MD, SLTL Group at the award ceremony in Pune, India. The award was received by Dr. Arvind Patel (Chairman & MD, SLTL Group

Best Brand in the Metal Forming Industry 2019

FIE Foundation Award 2019

FIE- Best Electronics Industry Award for 2017 for Best Innovation in Technology- NOVA on 26th January 2019.

FIE Foundation Award 2019

Outstanding Business Leader 2021

Received 'Outstanding Business Leader' by FGI (Federation of Gujarat Industries) at the hands of Chief Guest, Shri Yogeshbhai Patel, Hon'ble Minister of State - Narmada, Urban Housing, Govt. of Gujarat held on 19th January 2021.

Outstanding Business Leader 2021

Best Brand Award by Economic Times 2021

Best Brand Award- Best Brand Award as a Best Brand in the Metal Forming Industry 2021.

Best Brand Award by Economic Times 2021

Best Brand Award 2022

Sahajanand Laser Technology Limited (SLTL Group) was felicitated with the prominent Best Brand Award 2022 by The Economic Times. The award was received by Dr Arvind Patel (Chairman & MD, SLTL Group), at the award ceremony held in Pune owing to your faith and the trust that you bestowed on us as the best brand.

Best Brand Award 2022


Unser größtes Kapital sind unsere Verbraucher, und unser Hauptziel ist es, alle ihre Bedürfnisse durch zuverlässige Dienstleistungen zu erfüllen. Wir sind stolz darauf, ihre Branchen mit zukunftsweisenden Technologien zu unterstützen und als Familie mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten



Über den Globus



In Gandhinagar















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    Serviceunterstützung und technische Unterstützung rund um die Uhr. Für weitere Einblicke sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, unser Büro zu besuchen

    mkt@SLTL.com +91-9925036495


    E-30, Electronic Estate, G. I. D. C.,
    Sector - 26, Gandhinagar - 382 028
    Gujarat, India.