We've got the vision to deliver continuous innovation, working in the future.
SLTL Group has pioneered cutting-edge laser technologies since 1989, offering innovative solutions in laser cutting, marking, welding, and more to industries worldwide, including automotive, aerospace, and solar energy.
Discover SLTL’s cutting-edge laser solutions revolutionizing lithium-ion battery manufacturing. From precise welding to automation, our technology ensures high quality, speed, and safety for the future of EVs and energy storage. Power the shift to sustainability today!
Les applications laser s'étendent aussi loin que nous pouvons l'imaginer. Des applications industrielles telles que la découpe, le soudage, le marquage à l'industrie médicale pour la numérisation, la fabrication d'outils de précision à l'industrie de luxe pour la finition, l'impression et finalement à toute industrie à laquelle nous pouvons penser.
Igniting Innovation and Redefining Welding Standards across Various Industrial Sectors
La demande du groupe SLTL auprès de la Direction générale des recours commerciaux (DGTR) d'enquêter sur le dumping des machines laser industrielles provenant d'importations chinoises bon marché et inférieures aux normes a été approuvée en raison du PRÉJUDICE MATÉRIEL causé par les importations faisant l'objet d'un dumping.
To triumph the challenges SLTL Group took an initiative for a railway bogie manufacturer. The team learned the flaws in the existing manufacturing process and understood the limitations of the conventional methods of operation.
One of the many research experiments conducted by the in-house team at SLTL suggests that laser welding in comparison to conventional welding provides greater welding strength
You might have witnessed in your regular day at shop floor that the metal sheets of cut parts are offloaded by an operator.
Speaking of mighty production machines, Laser cutting machines are one of the major metal processing machines used across the globe.
Machine Hardware, Gas, Safety and Security etc....
Even though the laser machine requires a little human intervention in the development process, in the end, human intervention is still needed when it comes to the machine system understanding.
One of the important laser system designed to perform specialized tasks for TOOLTECH industry is SLTL Group’s NOVA. It is capable for welding very small parts and fine structures to larger ones. Achieving strong, visually flawless seams is increasingly important in all production processes.
SLTL group invented a solution that is named OPTI FLY that is an excellent match to industries requiring quick production with uncompromised quality. With OPTI FLY the system is capable to perform multiple tasks on a similar line.
One should know about the type of the manufacturing process he is dealing with to purchase machinery
Fiber Laser cutting is one of those diversified laser solutions that is highly prioritized by many of the industries.
Le "marquage laser" désigne le marquage ou l'étiquetage sur des pièces et des matériaux avec un faisceau laser.
Take a look around you, what do you see? Everything that we use, see and think in our daily life is a creation of an engineer.
Regardez autour de vous, que voyez-vous ? Tout ce que nous utilisons, voyons et pensons dans notre vie quotidienne est une création d'un ingénieur.
Laser technology is revolutionizing and making the automotive sector more sustainable.
The laser machines brought a revolutionary change in the Diamond Market.
We've got the vision to deliver continuous innovation, working in the future.
SLTL Group is the company that has defined what is called a "Trailblazer".
The new era of technology is driven by innovative engineering solutions
Spanning a legacy of more than 5000 years, Indian Jewellery is evident for the country’s aesthetic and the cultural history.
Nous croyons au développement d'idées innovantes ainsi qu'à des équipements plus intelligents, et la technologie est ce qui nous a permis de grandir.
Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany known for first invention of quality image transmission through fiber optics.
Advanced - Innovative - Efficient - Fast. These are some of the many terms that we use to define technology. But are they enough to safeguard our future in a way that complements environmental balance?
Being a customer-driven group, we have tried to utilize all the possible online mediums to convey our services with efficiency and on time.
Technology is the fathomless oil reserve to every alternative competency of tomorrow. We at SLTL practice constant research for its wise utilization.
A situation we must face with utmost care and precautions to reduce risk to self and anyone else in the same environment.
SLTL Group is awarded by Gezia with Best Social Activity through Community Activity Like 2018-2019 for its efforts to empower local communities.
Diamond processing is the practice of changing a diamond from a rough stone into a faceted gem.
The evolving humans found an alternative of the mined Diamonds, i.e. Lab-Grown Diamonds.
The terms ‘Lab-grown’, ‘CVD’ or ‘Synthetic’ Diamonds have rung over our ears for quite some time now.
The trade was a mainstream attraction for OEM and prominent automobile manufacturers from all across the globe.
We may be fascinated by the importance of laser today as we are surrounded by things which are a by-product of laser application.
Utilisant la dernière technologie de lentilles optiques fabriquées à partir de matériaux de haute qualité ; LOTUS est la gamme complète de solutions de planification et de marquage des diamants et est utilisée pour planifier en toute confiance les diamants bruts.
Playing diversified roles in mending lives of their near ones sometimes, Women forget about their own self.
I'm red and small, with a stone heart, and I am also useful for the heart.
Cancer is still one of the most dreaded diseases, owing to misunderstandings and misinformation.
In certain cases, a cancer-prevention strategy that was suggested in one research is not recommended in another
Even till today, the girl child in the world encounters several social, emotional, and physical problems.
Les maladies rénales sont des tueurs silencieux, qui peuvent grandement affecter votre qualité de vie.
Being a medical device manufacturer, SLTL is well aware that such a level of art does not come without investing the most precious years of one’s life gaining ceaseless knowledge and practicing appropriate skills continuously and painstakingly.
The event has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.
A stroke is a brain attack, cutting off vital blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
An estimated 17 million people die every year of CVDs (Cardiovascular Diseases), particularly heart attacks and strokes
SLTLGroup is delighted to contribute a major share in the development.
With the intervention of technology SLTL Group has led the way through futuristic solutions and taken the National legacy to foreign land
With firm dedication and creative mindset, SLTL Team has been coming up with breakthroughs since its early years.
Renewable energy is that energy which is derived from natural processes that are continuously replenished.