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Delhi Gems and Jewelry Fair (DGJF) – 2019

03rd Okt. 2019
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Delhi Gems and Jewelry Fair was held at New Delhi from 28-30 September of this year considered to be one of the major exhibitions for the Gems and Jewelry.

Delhi Gems and Jewelry Fair was held at New Delhi from 28-30 September of this year. The show focussed around applications and innovations in the Jewelry sector.

The exhibition is considered to be one of the major exhibitions for the Gems and Jewelry. Businesses and exhibitors from all across India participated in the trade fair to witness the amalgamation of technology and jewelry.

Laser Experts also flew down to Delhi in order to participate in the trade fair with SLTL Group’s Laser Systems designed for Jewelry applications. The fair was an exciting time for the team as they interacted with existing clients and numerous business leaders wanting to take their businesses to the next level.

Throughout the fair, the team was involved in productive discussions with business leaders on the applications of Laser Systems in their businesses. The live demonstration of this technology held at SLTL’s booth helped these leaders to follow the technology closely. The TTL technology aimed to attain maximum precision presented by the company caught maximum eyeballs. Through the interactive sessions, various business collaboration ideas were discussed. Overall, it was a productive fair which stands by its promise of making Gems and Jewelry industry more robust and productive.

Next up, Laser Experts are flying to Mumbai to participate in LWOP’19.