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Diamond Multi Processing

Hallmark Twin

Laser Type – Diode Pump

Accuracy – <10 micron Dimension – 1637 * 700 * 1685 mm

Diamond Multi Processing

Diamond Multi Processing

Sleek Software
Sleek Software
Highly precise with less expenditure
Highly precise with less expenditure
Investment yield value
Investment yield value
Exclusive solution
Exclusive solution
Robotic CNC control
Robotic CNC control
Diamond Processing System

Diamond Processing System

SLTL Group offers total technology solutions for diamond manufacturing, including diamond analysis and planning, processing, blocking and polishing as well as safe diamond trading. Hallmark Twin is the double-sided all in one Diamond Processing System doing Table Sawing, Crowning, Bruiting and Cone Blocking with one time fixing of the stone. This machine saves time & increase the productivity. This provides you with more systematic production cycle with error-free operations. Hallmark twin is the 4th generation laser processing machine with inbuilt software for laser beam stability & robotic CNC control features. These are the new generation robots for diamond processing which will help redefine laser operations in the diamond industry, with the potential to produce almost 80% of the Work.

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Ever since our incorporation, we have been making our own way through the domains and industries.

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Technical Specification
  • Applications

Product Description

It is a double sided diamond processing system that does table sawing, crowning, bruiting and cone blocking with one time fixing of the stone.

[imh_6310_image_map id=“23″]


This single machine is capable of doing every process from transforming the rough stone to a faceted gem.


Rough stone
Rough stone



Ultra Modern Software

Ultra Modern Software

The most Progressive & easy to understand software is very straight forward. It is being designed to decreases the man-machine intervention significantly which eventually results in minimum possible human errors. software packagenot only helps in reducing the risk of damaging the stone but also automatically sets optimized laser parameters based on the size of a diamond.

Precise Cuts With Minimum Wastage:

Precise Cuts With Minimum Wastage:

The Gain is all yours while processing the stone SLTL provides you with almost nil breakage rate due to RTLS (Real Time Laser System). Extremely focused, stable and accurate beam profile to achieve weight loss which provides you with fewer operation errors. SLTL delivers advance processing system which gives you a better quality output and satisfying result

Value Return of Investments

Value Return of Investments

SLTL group delivers you with such a machine which has features and advantages simply rewarding. It gives the best value for money to your diamond processing business as customer satisfaction is our major objective.

One Stop Solution

One Stop Solution

Multiple diamond processing system doing Table sawing, Crowning, Bruiting & cone blocking, with high accuracy and speed at a marginal time without any human intervention with one time fixing of the stone. Hallmark Twin can also be integrated with our planer machine so that even the planning process gets into system with minimal human interference. Along with saving a lot of time, it also increases the efficiency & diminishes losses due to human errors. This provides you with more systematic production cycle with error free operations.

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Diamond & Jewellery

Diamond & Jewellery

Accurate Table Sawing

With an exceptional cutting technique that smoothens the top surface of rough stone with high precision and least wastage of diamond.

Diamond & Jewellery

Diamond & Jewellery

Get Perfect Crown

Forming the ideal surface amongst table and girdle to get the best crown with optimal weight reduction which enhances the diamond output.

Diamond & Jewellery

Diamond & Jewellery

Unwrinkled Bruiting

It gives the ideal shape and evacuates the undesirable surface which includes the moulding of the diamond border separating the crown and structure.

Support & Services


Online Service Response 100%

Physical Response

Delighted Customers

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